What Are the Features of OptionDash’s Covered Call Investment Tool?
Covered Call Watchlist
Creating a watchlist is nothing new, but have you seen one focused on covered calls? Our covered call watchlist allows you to save your favorite stocks and quickly decide if now is the right time to write calls.
On one page, you can quickly see our proprietary ratings, upcoming dividends, earnings, and downside protection. Switching between expirations, you can easily decide which works best for your favorite stocks.
Saved Searches
You have a unique set of search criteria. Whether it is complex or simple, you can set your advanced screening criteria and save them for future use. Selling covered calls is an ongoing operation. With optimal income from short-term expirations, you must keep an eye on the market for the best income earners. With our saved search feature, you will spend less time searching for the next trade.
The tools covered call traders want, built by professional covered call traders.
Covered Call Chains
An option chain devoted to covered calls gives you all the important information to help you make your next decision. It is most common to look at the data by expiration, but with optionDash, you can drill down to see the same information by striking across multiple expirations.

Our covered call option chains have everything you need including premium, downside protection, the premium of strike, return if assigned, return if flat, implied volatility, delta, and theta.

Sometimes you just want to know a little bit more about a stock. In the past, that meant you had to pull up Yahoo Finance, or Google Finance, or try to find more information at your broker. Now, you can find all the information you need right on optionDash. Our Research page starts with an easy-to-read chart and a full description of the company.
Digging deeper, you will find the optionDash Proprietary Stock Scoring System above the Key Metrics and a drawdown chart. Below that, you can find all the latest news and headlines about the stock.

On the Research page, you will also find information on Dividends, Volatility, Valuation, and Analyst Ratings.
- Dividends – See the historical dividend yield and the payment over time
- Volatility – 30 Days of At-the-Money Implied Volatility and the Implied Volatility Rank
- Valuation – Breakdown the current price based on many valuation methodologies including historical comparison, PE Method, PS Method, Discounted Cash Flow, Return on Assets, Price to Equity, Return on Equity, Debt to Equity, and Price to Book.
- Analyst – See what top Analysts think of the stock. It includes a composite rating and a breakdown of how many rates it a Buy, Hold, or Sell.
The best-covered calls tool for income investors. Screen stock and options data to find income-producing covered call trades with the best covered call investment tool.