The data returned in our covered call screener is a raw list of stock and call combinations sorted by their income potential. Additional factors should be considered before purchasing a stock from the list. You should consider risk, timeframe, investment objectives, diversification, and a company’s financial health. Our proprietary stock screener, Lattco, includes many additional screens to ensure each investment is appropriate for our clients. This tool is available exclusively to graduates of the Snider Investment Method course.
Unique ETFs include additional risks. Factors that make them "unique" include Futures based, leverage, or inverse (short) an asset. We generally recommend that investors avoid these securities. We hope to highlight all unique securities, but with new ETFs created every day, it is possible for one to be inadvertently missed.
The data returned by this free covered call screener is for information and educational purposes only. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell a security. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading in any security. Stock and covered call trading involves risk and is not suitable for all investors.
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